Pregnancy Massage


Welcome to a nurturing space tailored for Pregnancy Massage – pre and postnatal care. Please note, massage is contraindicated in the first trimester. Jo specializes in providing expert support throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey. With a specially designed adaptive table, experience the comfort of lying face down for a remedial, lymphatic, or combined massage, addressing concerns such as swelling, lower back pain, cramping, stress, anxiety, and sleep issues.

Pregnancy brings numerous physical changes, and Jo's pregnancy massage promotes a calming effect on the nervous system. Enjoy the benefits of reduced swelling, pain relief, and an overall sense of well-being. Massage promotes the release of endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, encouraging a reduction in stress hormones and relieving pressure on weight-bearing joints.

After giving birth, significant and natural changes continue. Postpartum massage is essential for realigning and readapting your body. Jo addresses issues like hyper joints, back and shoulder pain from breastfeeding, child-carrying, and poor posture. For post-surgical recovery, Jo helps reduce scar tissue, offering education on scar massage and overall body care. Taking care of yourself during these transitions is crucial.

Jo's postpartum massage therapy emphasizes realigning joints, stretching muscles, and providing relief from fatigue. Tailored techniques focus on abdominal, pectoral, lower back, and glute muscles, promoting physical and emotional well-being for new mothers.

Whether during pregnancy or postpartum, Jo's specialized massage techniques are safe and effective, addressing concerns like peripheral swelling, insomnia, muscle cramping, back strain, sciatica, glute, and hip pain. Postpartum massage further aids in relieving fatigue and supporting both you and your baby. Prioritize your well-being with Jo's expert care on your journey to motherhood