At Warriewood on the Northern Beaches we offer a wide range of techniques


Remedial Massage

the direct manipulation of soft tissues of the body. It aids in the healing and repair processes; it restores structural balance and prevents a recurrence of the problem.
Remedial Massage can help to heal an injury and it is also extremely useful in preventing the injury from re-occurring. This is done by using specialised massage techniques to manipulate soft tissues of the body. Remedial Massage works on the physical body, mental body and emotional body.

Therapeutic Stretching

Therapeutic Stretching may occur during your bodywork session or be suggested as support for ongoing care. Stretches are used to increase range of motion, to strengthen weak areas, and to provide postural support. I utilise my knowledge base as a Yoga Teacher for over 20 years to maximise he benefit from the Massage and into recommendations to either stretch or strengthen the area

Myofasical Release

Myofascial Release helps to relieve the discomfort that comes from restricted fascia in the body. Fascia is the soft connective tissue that surrounds your muscles and organs and helps to keep them in place. It provides lots of support to your body, but can sometimes tighten and become restricted as a result of overuse, trauma, inactivity or infection – leaving you with unpleasant aches and pains that can make life difficult.

Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic drainage is a gentle, rhythmical massage treatment performed to stimulate the circulation of lymph fluid around the body. This helps to rapidly speed up the removal of wastes and toxins from a sluggish lymphatic system.Lymph massage can benefit just about everyone. If you're feeling tired and low on energy, or if you've been sick and feeling like your body is fighting to get back on track, lymph massage would likely serve you well.

In addition, athletes, surgical patients, fibromyaliga and chronic fatigue sufferers, as well as those wanting a fresh look may want to consider lymphatic massage. 

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual technique involving specific placement of soft manual forces to encourage the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera (internal organs) and the connective tissue and ligaments that support each organ onto our skeleton.

These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the functioning of individual organs, the systems the organs function within, and the structural integrity of the entire body.

Trigger Point Massage

Trigger Point Massage is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. The pain may be sharp and intense or dull and achy. Through supportive pressure, constricted areas in the muscles are released and pain is alleviated.

 Silicone Cupping

Silicone Cupping is a modality for increasing circulation, releasing & restoring fascia connective tissue, reducing inflammation, activating lymphatic drainage and improving mobility & flexibility

The benefits are:

Increased range of motion by passively stretching the tissue Increased range of motion by passively stretching the tissue An increase in nutrient rich blood supply and heat to the area being treated Increased fluid movement to the tissue assisting in recovery Decrease in scar tissue Reduction in muscle trigger points Reduction in fascial adhesions Rehydration of the fascia Reduction in muscle firing causing muscle relaxation Decrease in nervous system firing causing full body relaxation Relief of pain!

Most manual massage therapy techniques involve pushing into the body causing a positive pressure change whereas myofascial cupping is unique because it uses negative pressure by pulling the tissue to release adhesions.

 Deep Tissue

Deep Tissue Massage releases chronic patterns of tension in your body using deep finger, forearm and/or elbow pressure on contracted areas. It can also improve and accelerate injury rehabilitation and reduce inflammation-related pain such as tendinitis.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is designed to help athletes. It is useful for anyone who exercises to increase flexibility, prevent injuries and help with healing after a sports injury. It focuses on stressed and overused areas of the body and can be done either before or after a sporting event or throughout a training period to assist in injury prevention and recovery. It also works great as a part of an injury treatment/ rehabilitation plan.

One of the major advantages of Sports massage, especially when compared with other types of massages is that it targets tendon-muscle junctions. If you’re a fitness enthusiast or you in engage in regular physical activity, adding our sports massage services every other week will be great for your body!

Hatha & Dru Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that integrates the mind/body by utilising breath work, physical postures, meditation and relaxation. Yoga has many benefits to for everyone, physical, mental, emotional . It is a mindful, gentle,  practice that brings us closer to the inner wisdom that lies within each one of us.